Sunday, October 14, 2012

hmmm.... a bit of catching up

Ah, so I really haven't been on here for a while, well, I don't know if there's much to tell. I stay up late, watching TV or reading, I look through beauty blogs (mainly hair & nails). I take care of my girls, and my hubby. I'm currently doing hairstyles on my girls almost every day. Also, every other School day I do a letter hairstyle for my eldest. um.... we moved into some really great apartments! we're gonna get a dog soon, and maybe a cat! I'm getting pretty darn good at nail art, and hair! People keep saying I need to go to school for this stuff, I'm not so sure... we'll see.... Oh, I was pregnant, for like 3 months, only knew for like 2 weeks.... We got to tell my little girls and my mom, and i told my hubby in the cutest way (put a little ribbon on a bun, and put it on the oven b4 he went to work, with a note to say "it's all your fault" and then the inside says "one of your little guys made it...)... anyways, that was short lived, we lost the baby, before really getting used to the idea of another little one around here, but not after running though some hypotheticals and getting all hopeful... running through names & such. I actually didn't realize I really wanted a baby until after I lost one, now I really do want another baby, and I really want a boy, Travis came up with just the perfect name, and I just really want to be able to name my boy that, problem is, sis in law already took 1/2 the name, now we're gonna look like followers, or 1-uppers, depending on how we go about it, but the name is really important & special to us. We also have a perfect name picked out for a little girl, but also, other sis in law has recently said that name is one of her favorite girls names (she doesn't know we picked it for a girl if we were to have one), so we'll see how that goes, I feel she might see it as a betrayal if I was to get pregnant and have a girl & name her that, after she said that outloud to me.... Well, only time will tell what happens in our little life, in the mean time, I will be doing hair, raising some girls, getting back to being close with God, and hopefully being a good Wife, too!! oh, and I joined MOPs, so far I like it, only been to 1 meeting though....we'll see!!! hmmm..... maybe I will organize this blog better... not sure, so far I think I'm just using it as a rambling board... I don't know if I can post pics, or whatever else on here, I can maybe even use it as a hair blog.....well... maybe to bed with me, but maybe more surfing....

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